reforms to the system protection of the rights of users of telecommunications (in other words, good news!) We are not male, but we are many
With nearly 40 million users in Colombia - as reported
deIndustria and Trade Superintendency, last year - could not leave us aside so easily. And although the figure may sound exaggerated, given that we
45'273 .936 Colombian people, these official numbers. Thus, was already high time to make adjustments to certain regulations on the services we offer mobile operators.
Well this year, the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications (MinTic), together with Commission for Communications Regulation (CRC) were made batteries. Since mid-year revisions to the scheme had been doing for the Protection of Rights of Users of Telecommunications and took action against three key areas of this sector.
Set No. 01: Clause minimum time of recruitment of mobile phone service before, only in the time that the users signed contracts with various cell phone companies, we knew the conditions (benefits, allowances or discounts) associated to the time required to stay with the operator chosen. Now, these phone companies have to provide this information in a pre-contract. This is a part of clarity and explanation, which is offered to individuals, which is vital at the time they want to cancel your service, ahead of schedule.
Set No. 02: Channels for filing petitions, complaints and appeals.
Recent data through June 2010 38,000 complaints were filed less than last year in this sector, considering a number of 435 complaints per million users. It's a big number. And in any case must be put in doubt, we all know that sometimes it is almost impossible to hear our situation to the companies. By cumbersome procedures, or because the service lines customers are busy, among others, many manifestations are unregistered.
And here comes the good news: as of this October all mobile operators must have at its website, through social networks and emails, mechanisms to deal with complaints from users. It is their duty to implement these spaces and let us know about them. Comcel and Tigo and are current on their pages with this setting. Not left without entering a petition or complaint there.
Set No. 03: Balance Transfer Mobile
always the same tragedy happening to us with a credit balance remaining on a prepaid card, is lost. Now from the first of November, we have 30 days (after the expiration date of the card) to transfer what was not possible to consume a new prepaid card, regardless of the cost of it.
However, we must emphasize that Tigo was already offering this service earlier. Do not forget its "Your balance is due no" that covers both prepaid and a postpaid service. Exactly this question. Hopefully the other two operators are not left behind.
Well, there it is. We hope that these regulations start to
be smoothly from the following months, for the benefit of all. # Justiciamovil
If you need información adicional acerca de las reglamentaciones pueden ingresar a la página de la CRC: En Uso Celular Pero, estamos buscando comunicarnos con el Sr. Cristhian Lizcano, Director Ejecutivo de la CRC, para ampliar cada una de estas nueva regulaciones, así que esperen más noticias el respecto.