And what do you do with that cell phone you do not use? # Recycling It turns out that in 2007, the Colombian Ministry of Environment Housing and managed to lead an initiative
with the support of the whole mobile industry, including the Association of Cellular Industry in Colombia (Asocel), the Colombian Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications (CCIT) and Comcel, Movistar, Tigo, Avantel, Nokia, Alcatel, LG, Samsung, Motorola, Sony Ericsson and ZTE.
campaign "Recycle your mobile phone and communicate with the earth" looking to recycle obsolete phones, since the waste of the equipment itself and its batteries have a strong impact on the environment and human health .
The idea was to place at strategic points around the country, at the time, managed to link 30 cities with
marked cans that worked as a gatherer of accessories, batteries, casings
, equipment, etc.. Once collected are taken to
plants specializing in separation of parts in Mexico, which reuses what works, and give proper treatment to
toxic materials.
However, the big question was: Today, January 2011, do you still
current environmental initiative?
We realized that both Tigo, Movistar as they have on their websites information relevant to the topic, with the respective points are taken over the old equipment for recycling:
• Social Responsibility Environmental Responsibility Movistar Movistar
recycling cell phones and accessories
• Social Responsibility Tigo Tigo Points Recycling bins equipped with
However, we found it curious that despite inclusion that makes Minambiente
Comcel in the 2007 campaign, and some news on the Internet were, we did not find anything official
on the page that made us think that the company was still in force in this campaign.
Very unlike Movistar Tigo and to involve the logo activity in
web pages.
... And we call
decided to call customer service lines for each one of these operators
(exclude Uff! Because so far has not incorporated the sale of equipment, including its services
) to see if the information appearing (or not appear, in the case of Comcel)
could be found by any user through telephone.
The operator of Tigo was handed the slip of paper with all the wagon of the campaign
which very sensibly read to us Pa Pe, stammering a bit playfully,
emphasis on the "33 points in administrative offices and service centers" where they were located
bins. For its part, Movistar enabling surprised us in its service line-in
the section "For the information of interest press 4" - a recording for "
For information on the recycling of press 4."
However, Comcel call us said they had no data on and the best thing was that we were going
a spotlight. We asked about a phone to communicate with the office
newspaper, asserting that we were in the drafting of a text
newspaper and told us, after several minutes of waiting, we could enter
www.comcel page. com. We assure the lady that we had already checked and finally told us
that "this campaign is", without further ado.
We can say that even beyond not find the information for "
Recycle your mobile phone and communicate with the earth" we were concerned the failure to find a space dedicated to Corporate Social Responsibility in the doorway of Comcel.
point followed the theme, we'd love to hear about and see if you have seen
that deposit cans recyclable material are operating at points of care such
operators and thus note the beauty of a text, which appears to have started on the right track, but we do not know for sure if it has stalled.
be recalled, those who continue to keep in a drawer that first
cell that gave him so much stick and so lovingly preserved, that electronic devices contain numerous
materials harmful to human and animal health. Beware thrown away, containing
elements that can be harmful when not managed properly,
as lead, cadmium, chromium, which are generated by high toxicity and need special treatment
According to officials of Environmental Management Process for Telefonica Movistar
2008 and had collected 482 000 units, in 2009 the figure reached 40,600.
Either Thus, we are glad that Movistar Tigo and seem to have continued in pro
of a healthy culture of the user with respect to their environment. We encourage, too, from here to
Comcel to follow suit. And, if you follow it, to go public, share it and promote it among
users. You can easily have 2 to 3 million sets are not used, the task must follow.
"making visible the operators clogged with promotions"
# justiciamovil