One of the most valuable find in Facebook last year was a fan page called: "Tell the minister" . A space where telecomuniciones users in Colombia (cell phone, landline, internet, among others) could write to Dr. Daniel Enrique Medina Velandia, Minister Information Technology and Communications , doubts, concerns and demands in a more informal but direct.
is the first time we see a dynamic social networks where a senior ministry official involved with the public. More 1,700 people were admitted to the facebook fan page, some of them wrote their case. All concerns were a useful answer or at least a procedural guide. People who had no response, the minister left the following message:
Given the concerns about the continuity of the project, the minister replied: "I have no doubt that the incoming government will continue and even improve a lot more all of these technology initiatives e-democracy. All this changes have made us think about how important it is to continue a process of interaction and participation citizen who is just beginning; reason why we decided ... to create a space called "ICT Ministry Colombia" with better facilities. "
The fanpage also helped us learn first-hand reports of the operators, eg Compliance rates:
Dr. Medina was formally dismissed the facebook fan page with a letter personally signed:
appreciate and emphasize the management of Dr. Medina and the great contribution to communications. We wish him well in his professional life.
Use Cell Group But
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