Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Perfet Bmi For Models
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Where Do You Hang Curtain Tie Backs
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Spot The Hazard In The Kitchen Worksheet
Sunday, August 22, 2010
драйвер Usb Texet Tn301
Friday, August 13, 2010
List Of Freetamil Channels Frequency
Diego Molano Vega, he served as commissioner of the Commission for the Regulation of Telecommunications, and as advisor to major telecommunications companies. His last position before assuming the ministry was the Deputy Director General of Corporate Relations para Latinoamérica de Telefónica
El ministro Molano nos estuvo acompañando en la pasada Campus Party 2010 en Colombia como participante y se mostró como un apasionado de la tecnología, eso nos lo dejó muy claro con sus palabras: "no me imagino un mundo sin internet".
El reto que trae el cargo es grande y estaremos muy pendientes de su gestión, especialmente con la entrada del tercer canal y los operadores de telefonía móvil
Fue muy grato para nosotros recibir al nuevo ministro de telecomunicaciones Diego Molano Vega, en facebook y en twitter @DiegoMolanoVega con toda la actitud y energía para asumir el reto de las telecomunicaciones en Colombia.
We wish you success in this new phase that encompasses expectations.
Welcome Mr. Minister!
Use Cell Group
Putting On A Panty Girdle
Twitter via SMS
not everyone has a cell phone tech that supports a client for twitter and read updates from our friends, this is a bit limiting and problemente one of the main reasons why we want to change phones. Tigo launched two weeks ago Twitter via SMS service.
" Twitter SMS service Tigo is an SMS subscription service that allows users to receive the tweets (messages) to people who follow or who follow him on Twitter by text message on your mobile Tigo by a single daily charge of $ 300 pesos to create entertainment messaging between users Tigo. The person sending you subscribe by TW to the short code 22255 and receive messages from your Twitter on your cell phone as SMS "
The service is again experienced problems in the notifications, but this week has made remarkable improvements. More information on the official website
Taxi 911
Have you taken a taxi in the street because they've had another chance? Are you not tranquil / a you do not know whether a taxi is legal? That we spend a lot and is a constant fear that leaves us alone.
911 taxi service, a network of digital information for security Log-citizen legal taxis in Bogota and providing a service via SMS Identification.
News in the cell
The news is always the order of the day and do not always have on hand a TV, computer or radio to bury the latest developments. Caracol TV has just launched a news service by phone directly to text service. Sending a text message with the word NEWS 4441 code will be received directly to cellular operators the most important news of Colombia and the world.
This service is for the 3 operators and has a cost of $ 350 = plus VAT per message received. More information on the official website
Use Cell Group
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Islamic Message Wedding
One of the most valuable find in Facebook last year was a fan page called: "Tell the minister" . A space where telecomuniciones users in Colombia (cell phone, landline, internet, among others) could write to Dr. Daniel Enrique Medina Velandia, Minister Information Technology and Communications , doubts, concerns and demands in a more informal but direct.
Given the concerns about the continuity of the project, the minister replied: "I have no doubt that the incoming government will continue and even improve a lot more all of these technology initiatives e-democracy. All this changes have made us think about how important it is to continue a process of interaction and participation citizen who is just beginning; reason why we decided ... to create a space called "ICT Ministry Colombia" with better facilities. "
The fanpage also helped us learn first-hand reports of the operators, eg Compliance rates:
Dr. Medina was formally dismissed the facebook fan page with a letter personally signed:
appreciate and emphasize the management of Dr. Medina and the great contribution to communications. We wish him well in his professional life.
Use Cell Group
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
How To Make A Bubble Dress From A Normal Dress
* this trade would not is for Colombia but said the service
"My Community" movistar can be connected to the Facebook network from any cell phone turned on the operator. Through SMS text messages, states, or updates of your friends come to your phone without paying a data plan or have a high end phone. Like any business, comment or post it gets to your facebook wall, come as a text message notification. You can upload photos, comment on the statements of your friends and even share video.
If you want to try the service free until August 15, 2010, is a test packet of 30 messages Eniva point B to the code 2020. The package of 50 messages are active also sending word to the code P 2020. This service has a cost of $ 2,900 =
More information on the site of My community movistar
Building demand of nearly 28 million active users in this operator between the prepaid and postpaid, last week launched Comcel messenger service where all users can esatr contact through a chat room, accessed from your cell phone. Some people have compared this service with the blackberry pin.
How do I sign up for Comcel Messenger?
must create or register your Messenger account Comcel by either entering following interface:
- WAP Portal: This is an Internet navigation system compatible with some mobile phone models. Enter the WAP Portal of Comcel, select the link for Messenger Comcel, finally enters the link Register and follow the steps.
- Website Login to www.comcel.com , select the banner of Comcel Messenger and follow the steps to create your account.
- SMS text messages: To register through SMS you send a text message to the 5555 code with the word REGISTER followed by your username, for example : REGISTRATION CARLOS
* Source: mundoalinstante.com
Before registering, we recommend reviewing the rates. Our twitter followers have shared experiences with this service, which includes a cost overrun on the service while achieving WAP communication.
Remember tell all the experiences that have the cell phone users our facebook group.
Among all look for the best service and make # justiciamovil