Thursday, July 15, 2010

Yellow Cm Right Before Period?

iPhone and Android Mobile operating systems

Who did not have a Nokia? I remember my first cell phone with great nostalgia, a Nokia 5125. It was a cell phone easy to use, visually attractive and the best game ever .... " Snake."

Here in Colombia has had a reputation for the quality of the audio signal. But things have changed and new needs with the lifestyle of the users have these features have gone to another plane. Nokia took a big hit with the Symbian operating system preloaded models is known as the N81, N71, N95, N70 etc.

According to newspaper republic in his article "Nokia loses the battle against iPhone and Android": (..) the creator of the application "Gravity" for Twitter, said: "The gleaming new are not available and only the old stuff, which makes a lot of work for the software to look good. " This operating system but had great impact, has not shown new developments and the market is looking for innovation and other possible features such as iPhones or Androids mobile augmented reality:

El mercado de los teléfonos inteligentes está bastante reñido en Estados Unidos, en Colombia aunque hay gran inclusión de teléfonos con funcionalidades básicas o celulares chinos, la masiva
información que nos llega por blogs, notas o redes sociales sobre cómo estas herramientas nos pueden facilitar nuestra vida diaria, laboral, escolar hace que se abra un mercado interesante dándole la oportunidad a marcas como HTC, quien es el principal emisor de celulares con sistema operativo "Android" en el mundo.

¿Está perdiendo Nokia la batalla? ¿qué do you think? What will happen in Colombia?. We love reading your comments and experiences.

can comment here or do our facebook group

# justiciamovil


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