Nothing is better for a programmer that Friday afternoon, after a long week of tensions, pressures and codes here, codes there, requests from users, social Friday comes and it's time to leave and forget about work for a couple of days, leave for a few beers, see the bride, do some sports, watch TV, etc.
This week in particular has been very heavy for me because the manager of the module where he's off work because she is pregnant and left me in charge of payroll, haaaaaa I spent a lot of lines of code in FoxPro I'd never seen and translate the formulas for calculation of bonuses to SQL, and everything makes it seem that I will be in charge of doing this from now on, now I understand because I always saw her working at all and with a lot of pressure, of course I had a lot more responsible.
Finally, after two long weeks of battle first to learn these sentences FoxPro, understand what was done in SQL and modify or develop what was necessary to reconcile the figures for the payment of bonuses, to work 9 hrs a day at last, I finally managed to reconcile it, now to enjoy the weekend that the following will also be heavy, I will set no codes or examples of what has been done in recent weeks and I am very annoyed to still see the code, share code in subsequent publications or examples of calculating the payroll.
As a friend only thing better than a Friday afternoon is a Friday afternoon in half.
For now is all we see ....
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