A) what how smart are you? "Tesafiamos to conduct this test (RAVEN) B) solves every problem situation resorted to cunning and resiliency to these problems to be solved with cunning and intelligence
1. A pastor has to pass a wolf, a goat and a cucumber to the other side of a river, has a boat in which only the fit and the other three. If the wolf is left alone with the goat will eat it, if the goat is left alone with lettuce is eaten, how is it?.
2. What animal has in its name the five vowels?
3. A man is at the beginning of a long hallway that has three switches, the end is a room with the door closed. One of the three switches turns on the light in that room, which is initially off. How did he do to know that the light switch turns walking the path once the hall? Hint: He has a flashlight.
4. We have twelve apparently identical coins, but one of them weighs slightly more. Using a pan balance and weighing only three to find the different currency.
5. A surveyor is directed to a house is served by a woman, how many children? Three said it Age? The product of their ages is 36 and the sum is equal to the number of the house, he responds. The interviewer was going but after a while again and tells the woman that the information given is not enough, the woman thinks and says is right, most studies piano. This is enough for the interviewer to know the ages of the children. What are they?
6. How do we get twenty, adding one gives us nineteen?
7. Two pastors spoke:
- Why do not you give me one of your sheep, so we have the same amount?
To which his friend replied:
- Better give me one of yours and I'll double you sheep. How many sheep had
8. In a drawer there are 28 black socks and 28 white socks. The room is completely dark. ¿Cuántos calcetines hay que tomar para asegurarse que haya al menos un par del mismo color?
9. Se tienen dos relojes de arena. Uno dura 4 minutos, y el otro 7. Se quieren medir 9 minutos. ¿Cómo se lo puede lograr?
10. Como puede hacer un hombre (VOS) para salvarse estando encerrado en una habitación que posee dos puertas: