Thursday, January 17, 2008

Cross Dressers Short Skirt


Let's take a look at the basic forms HTML and see the interaction with PHP.

A basic form consists of HTML \u0026lt;FORM> a set of parameters (which we'll cover the basics) and the set of fields that are submitted with the form. The most basic would be to define a form, eg

NAME='mi_formulario' ACTION='procesar.php' METHOD='POST'>


\u0026lt;/ FORM>

The 3 parameters that I included are:

• NAME: the name of the form then be referenced in the code (used especially the name we give when we work with javascript). It is highly recommended to use in conjunction with the parameter ID (ID = 'mi_formulario' following the example) and that depending on which browser a parameter may take precedence over another.

• ACTION: shows the landing page to which you should send the form data. As shown in the example, the data would be sent to the page procesar.php

• METHOD: Show you how to pass parameters:

• POST variables are sent as "hidden" (enough to know this for what we get in this workshop).

• GET: the variables are sent within the destination URL (visible).

For example if we pass a variable that is the ID of the person and the form we would use METHOD = GET in the browser bar a URL similar to:

http://miservidor/pagina.php?dni = 112335965

However, we would only http://miservidor/pagina.php POST and variable access to the DNI would "embedded" in the form.

this perspective, it seems that we should always use POST instead of GET, right? The user does not have to see manage those variables. This will be true most of the cases, but there are times when we have no choice but to use GET. Experience will tell you when you use either method.

A fourth parameter that we use a lot: TARGET. This setting helps us determine where to send the form data. ACTION determines the page that we must show that you must process the form fields, TARGET tell you where to display this information. You can take the values \u200b\u200b

• _self: this same frame or window.

• _blank: in a new window.

• _top: under the window on which all we are looking at (if we do not use frames in our page (frameset) equivalent to _self).

• _parent: The parent frame of the window we're looking at (if we use frameset with only one level of nesting, equivalent to _top).

• "element name" can indicate that the destination is an element of our capable of receiving information from a form. For example, a framework that we created and have a defined name, an IFRAME, etc ... generally refers to this "item name" as the name of a frame.

Within the form fields will be declared with the INPUT tag. Not going to review the different types of fields that exist but we will see how to deal directly in PHP.

Here's how to handle fields in a form that is received by a PHP page. Is the form that will be included on page c4-ejemplo1.html:

\u0026lt;FORM NAME="datos" ID="datos" ACTION="c4-e1.php" method="post">

Your name : \u0026lt;INPUT name="name" id="name" size="20" maxlength="20">


Your email: \u0026lt;INPUT NAME="email" ID="email" size="20" maxlength="20">


\u0026lt;INPUT TYPE = "SUBMIT" VALUE = "Submit ">

\u0026lt;/ FORM>

Enter your name and email and click the submit button. How do I check the value of these fields in the target PHP? PHP associative arrays built for the variables that we refer to a form:

• If we use METHOD = GET will have an associative array $ _GET ["varname"] each variable to reference the form.

• If we use METHOD = POST array will be $ _POST ["varname"]. Depending

well as server configuration be possible to use $ varname directory (eg $ dni or $ email). By way of commentary, this will depend on whether the variable register_globals is ON on the server. However, $ _POST and $ _GET are always available, so the purpose of application portability is more advisable to use these arrays.

Therefore, if we construct the following PHP, we will display the information submitted by the form:



\u0026lt;TITLE> Cap 4 Example 1 \u0026lt;/ TITLE>

\u0026lt;/ HEAD>


Your ID is \u0026lt;? echo $ _POST ["ID"];?>

Your email is \u0026lt;? echo $ _POST ["email"];?>

\u0026lt;/ BODY>

\u0026lt;/ HTML>

See the complete example here: . html

All in one Philosophy

Too often we agree (or need) to keep the screen the same form that we sent to PHP. To achieve this, build the form within a PHP page and access the variables as follows:



\u0026lt;TITLE> Cap 4 Example 2 \u0026lt;/ TITLE>

\u0026lt; ; / HEAD>


\u0026lt;FORM NAME="datos" ID="datos" ACTION= "c4-e2.php"
Tu nombre: <INPUT NAME="nombre" ID="nombre" size="20" maxlength="20" VALUE="<? echo $_POST["nombre"]; ?>" >


Tu email: <INPUT NAME="email" ID="email" size="20" maxlength="20" VALUE="<? echo $_POST["email"]; ?>" >





if (strlen ($ _POST ['name'])> 0) {

echo "Your name is \u0026lt;BR>"

echo $ _POST [ "name"];


if (strlen ($ _POST ["email"])> 0) {

echo "Your email is \u0026lt;BR>"

echo $ _POST ["email"];



\u0026lt;/ BODY>

\u0026lt;/ HEAD>

I highlighted in blue that we have changed or Added:

• If we let the form's ACTION is the very page you're viewing, the values \u200b\u200bthat are introduced after viewing the first page will be sent to our web site.

• By putting each INPUT VALUE property we are assigning a default value. If you indicate that the default is "PHP variable containing the" we "conserve" submitted on the form.

• In the final section I have included the use of PHP strlen (equivalent to the same function in C). This function returns the number of characters that comprise the variable that is passed by argument. What we have done has been to say "if the variable contains more than zero characters, run these sentences." The sentences for their part, are very simple: to show a fixed text message and then the value of the variable.

can see the example running on

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

How To Soften Bandana

forms with PHP 3. PHP Variables. My first PHP

We will dedicate this post to variables in PHP and finish creating our first PHP. First, what is a variable? A variable could be described as a symbolic name that takes a specific value. To clarify this definition:

• An integer (0, 1, 2) is that number in itself and for all (the 1 is not ever going to be 2 .)

• A variable that we call, for example, mi_numero, contains a value (to continue with the example, an integer value) and can be changed by assigning a different value. Thus the sentence:

• mi_numero = 1 causes the variable mi_numero, when asked, say that takes the value 1.

• mi_numero = 1 + 5 makes the variable takes the value 6.

• Etc etc

But a variable can be of different types need not always be a number. So, what types of variables we can find in PHP? Generalizing too much, the most common types are:

• Simple Types: Integer, Float, Character, Boolean.


• Types: Arrays, Strings.

Simple Types:

• Full: numeric value (positive or negative) without decimals (-10, 0, 1, 100,000, ...).

• Float: value (positive or negative) fractions (15.45, -20.1895, ...).

• Character: alphanumeric value determined by converting a code table (usually ASCII). To understand and generalize a lot, a letter or symbol on your keyboard ('a', 'b', 'C', '-', '+', ...). Note that I've used a simple quotation marks (') because that's how the program will then be used in PHP.

• Boolean: a value yes or no, as if it were a switch. In PHP you use the values \u200b\u200btrue or false (true or false).

Composite Types:

• Array (vector, matriz): sobre arrays se podría dedicar un tema entero a hablar de ellos. Un array es una colección de objetos referenciada bajo un único nombre. Todos los objetos que contiene son del mismo tipo. Podemos hablar de un array de enteros, un array de flotantes, de caracteres, etc. Por ejemplo, supongamos que queremos almacenar la combinación de la lotería primitiva. En dicho caso, podríamos utilizar una variable llamada “primitiva”, de tipo array, que contuviera los valores de este modo:

•  primitiva[0] = 10;

•  primitiva[1] = 12;

• primitive [2] = 20;

• primitive [3] = 29;

• primitive [4] = 41 ;

• primitive [5] = 47;


displayed the symbols "[" and "]". These serve to indicate, within the array, what position we want to access. Thus, primitive [0] is a reference to the first element of the array, primitive [1] the second element, etc.. What we have done with the above code is assigned to the first 6 elements of the array of 6 values \u200b\u200bof the winning combination (10, 12, 20, 29, 41 and 47).

is possible in PHP, to assign each array element value of different types. That is, in the first position you have an integer, the second a character, etc etc. This, which a priori appears very simple, do not allow most programming languages \u200b\u200bunless you create your own data structure. In PHP is not necessary to have data structures as a separate type to have this functionality. Consider, for example, that you have a variable "demand" that symbolizes the request a client, and you assign these values:

• request [0] = "15/01/2008";

• Order [1] = "suitcase"

• Order [2] = 2;

If you program when you think, "in the first place I'll always save the date, the second the product name and the third the quantity ordered ... "this array makes sense, right? And notice that while the first two positions are of type string (now we shall see in detail what are) the latter, the quantity is numeric.

• strings: A combination of alphanumeric characters. For example, "Hi, this is a string" would be a string (note that I used the double quotation marks (") to delimit). Also could devote another whole chapter to discuss the handling of strings. One detail to indicate that a string is a subtype of type array plus a number of properties added. Thus, the following piece of code:

• my_string = "Hi I am a string";

• my_string [0] = 'P';

is perfectly Vá ; valid. In the first statement I have assigned to a variable called "my_string" value "Hello I'm a String." In the next sentence, I modified the first character string giving the value "P". If now consultásemos the value of "my_string" the result would be "I'm a Chain Pola." That is, the items a string can be referenced as an array of characters were talking. Syntax

variables in PHP

Well, we know (or have we made an idea) of the basic types that exist in PHP variables. How to use a variable in PHP?

Variables in PHP are preceded by the symbol $. So

• $ number = 5; makes you think the variable number and assigned value 5.

• $ number [0] = 'K', does that create an array called numbers and his first position is assigned the value 'K';

Traditionally, programming languages \u200b\u200bwe "demand" that explicitly declare the variable type (ie, whether to contain an integer , if you will contain a boolean ...) or even, when we talk about complex data types, pre-allocate memory that can hold in your computer. With PHP you do not need none of the above, the mere fact of referencing a variable with the $ sign preceding it and to "provoke" both the creation of the variable as memory allocation. PHP is, as we usually call technologies information, a weakly typed language, it does not require explicitly knowing the type of variables used. The benefits are enormous, not only by not having to manage memory space but being able to create and assign variables at the time they are needed without having to remember or type of nomenclature. In addition, PHP lets you do things like

• $ number = 5;

• $ number = "hello";

Where, in the first sentence we created a variable number and have given value 5 and immediately afterwards, to the same variable we assigned the value "hello", which we know is a character string that requires storage than a number and its philosophy of use and permitted operations are different from the integer .

The main against this use of variables is that a mistake in the name of a variable is not directly detected. For example, in a strongly typed language like C, if we do:

• int number = 5;

• numro = 6;

language gives us an error because the variable numro not exist (there number, but we ate rewrite the "e").

with PHP, though:

• $ number = 5;

• $ numro = 6;

causes the creation of two variables, number and numro. If later we refer to the variable number thinking that its value is 6, we will have made a mistake and will detect only check the code.

Our first PHP

Well, it's time to get down to work. Like all programming books, we begin with the program simpler (in this case, the easiest web). The classic "Hello World." His goal is nothing to show, on screen, the text "Hello World."

Since we are dealing with websites, the content should be included within the format of a web page. In other words, we must generate a HTML PHP when you want to display something on the screen (ie maximum applicable to any web page that uses server-side language).

The simplest structure that contains a Web page is:



\u0026lt;/ HEAD>


\u0026lt;/ BODY>

\u0026lt;/ HTML>

Breaking down a bit:

• ; All HTML mark is enclosed in the symbols "\u0026lt;" and ">".

• The blocks are HTML tags that open and close. For example, \u0026lt;HTML> indicates that we are entering a HTML page and \u0026lt;/ HTML> indicates the end of it.

• A block may contain more blocks. For example, the block containing blocks \u0026lt;HTML> \u0026lt;HEAD> and \u0026lt;BODY>

• HEAD section of every HTML page contains information about BP Page not visible in the browser (or at least to view we are required to explicitly inquire within your browser, information about the page) unless TITLE section, which is used for give a title to the page (the title that appears in the top bar of your browser window.)

• The BODY is the body section of the page, those data structures, sections, etc. that you want to display.

Only this, and we have a page in HTML format (of course, blank, shows nothing, but the browser "understands"). If we want to include PHP code, we should do between the "\u0026lt;?" To start and "?>" To finish it (without the quotes.

Our "Hello World" in PHP would be something like the following:



\u0026lt;title> Cap 3, Example 1 \u0026lt;/ title>

\u0026lt;/ head>


\u0026lt;? echo "Hello World";?>

\u0026lt;/ body>

\u0026lt;/ html>

not hard to see that we have added Title Section Head in to give a title to the page (if not included, will show "Untitled Document "on the top bar) and we've added a section with PHP code:

\u0026lt;? echo "Hello World";?>

What have we done here? We used a function PHP echo , used to show something. Note that all PHP statements end with the character "." PHP echo function always "hoped" that prompted a parameter to display. How do I sign? Including the outcome of the parameter in the HTML then return. The above PHP generate, for example, the HTML for the browser:



\u0026lt;title> Cap 3, example 1 \u0026lt;/ title>

\u0026lt;/ head>


Hello World

\u0026lt;/ body>

\u0026lt;/ html> ;

The result of the string "Hello World" is just such a text, so we included as a result of the PHP section we had created.

Anyone can say "well, but I do not need make a PHP. I make the resulting page and I'm done. " And it's true. For the above example is not necessary because PHP HTML static content and we could have created. But now, consider the following PHP:



\u0026lt;title> Cap 3, example 2 \u0026lt;/ title>

\u0026lt;/ head> ;



$ phrase = rand (0.2);

if ($ sentence == 0) echo "Hello World";

if ($ words == 1) echo "Hello Continent "

if ($ sentence == 2) echo" Hello City ";


\u0026lt;/ body>

\u0026lt;/ html>

Here are elements that still We have not commented. Although we will discuss, is sufficient to state, to understand the example, that:

• Rand (minimum, maximum) is a function that returns a random number between the minimum and maximum prompted.

• If a sentence. Evaluate the condition that prompted. If true, executes the statements that he directed.

• $ phrase == When we're doing a comparison number (put == in PHP to say "if the left is equal to the right").

What does this PHP?

• Creates the variable $ sentence and assigned a random value between 0 and 2.

• If the variable $ sentence is 0, displays the string "Hello World."

• If the variable $ sentence is 1, displays the string "Hello continent."

• If the variable $ sentence is 2, displays the string "Hello City".

The HTML output can vary WHENEVER CALL TO PAGE so we know to be one of the three combinations, but each time you access this PHP the result will be different.

You can try the two examples in these directions:

First example:

Second example: sk/c3-e2.php

Monday, January 14, 2008

Consignment Shop Name Ideas

2. Recommended tools to work with php

Before you start working with PHP, I consider it important to discuss what environment we need to have available for testing and start building our first PHP pages. Thus, this input we to commit to:
- Getting a web server with PHP.
- recommended tools for editing PHP pages.

All references to do with PHP in the blog are to be understood on the 4.x version of PHP. The 5.x version has some substantial changes (in both programming philosophy as deprecated functions) and do not guarantee that the examples to work on that version.

Let's start by seeing what we need to have installed on your computer if you want to work with PHP. If you remember the previous blog entry, PHP is a server-side language, could understand it as a processor that receives a PHP code and returns a flat HTML page (meaning by "flat" that display of that page is immutable, you'll always see the same look and content within the page.) So our team will need to have installed a language processor that server.

There are basically two options:
1) Install on your computer as internet web server that "understand" PHP.
2) Open up an account on an internet server that allows web hosting with PHP.

If we want to start working NOW to PHP and / or we plan to publish our Web site, it is best to have an outer housing (ie a web server), since we will have a name for our website, a place to put our PHP and, generally, a MySQL database with sufficient permissions to connect to our PHP (we'll see how).
If you just want to test your PHP pages PC without being loaded into an external server or information on the Internet, you have no choice but to move into your computer the following components:
- An Apache server (1.3.x or 2.x)
- A processor PHP 4.x which then integrates with your Apache.
- (optional) A database server MySQL.

In Windows you can have all this and installing the program bajándote PHPTriad ( or alternative similar as FoxServ. In Unix / Linux have no choice but to do it yourself step by step (there are many online tutorials about it, just to shop around). PHPTriad installation is simple, the only downside is the configuration of MySQL is not too complex. If you go for this option and you get stuck or have problems, coméntamelo and help you in any way possible.

If you just want to have an outer housing (it is customary to refer to "Holidays" by its English equivalent, hosting) there are many internet web sites as you can provide. For example:
- etc. For
Usually all you are offering the same:
- A maximum space hosting for PHP and images (between 10 and 100MB), with FTP access to manage the files you post (and / or a web interface to do so, as it offers
- A connection to MySQL database with a web interface to manage it (the web interface is called PHPMyAdmin and also have available if you have installed locally PHPTriad).

is not the purpose of the blog explaining how to make an FTP connection to transfer files so they will not go into details, but as always, any questions you may have coméntamela and try to resolve it.

Well, where we place our PHP. Now the question is how do I create a PHP?. Like any programming language, third generation, a PHP page consists of text instructions, so the simplest editor (notepad of windows for example) serves to create or edit a PHP. However, there are tools on the market (some commercial, some free) that we can greatly facilitate the work. I recommend you have one of these two (or both):
- Crimson Editor ( is a completely free powerful editor for various programming languages \u200b\u200b(C, C + +, HTML, PHP, ...). The great advantage of this editor on the Windows Notepad is that it uses combinations of colors to distinguish the different "brands" that use special programming languages \u200b\u200b(this is the start and end blocks, the reserved words, HTML tags, etc etc etc) so the display and modification of code does more clear and simple.
- Dreamweaver ( is, in my opinion, the most potent editor. It's actually a 4GL (fourth generation language) because it allows code injection "prefabricated" (ie standard modules that the program meets and saves you write many lines of code) and offers an environment visual programming websites (you can see the resulting page as the designs). On the contrary, it is not free (that is, it is quite expensive) so if you do not have enough money to buy a license, it is best to use a free alternative (though not nearly as powerful) as the Crimson editor.

If you have an installation of Office on your computer you can use FrontPage, which although more focused on Microsoft technologies (ASP web pages) at least you can provide a visual environment for the static pages that you design (ie The part that is made with HTML and PHP does not need).

In the next post we will create our PHP first and discuss the use and types of variables in PHP.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Heapsize Counter Strike Source 2010

1. Client Server Speech and Language Goal

This first "lesson" can be somewhat cumbersome, but consider it very important to know how to tell what elements are involved in web communication and then to distinguish, when programming a website, where you have to locate the various elements, applets etc. we need.

Usually when we visit a website, follow these steps:

• write the web address in your browser (eg and press the Enter key to load.

• On the screen, after a few seconds, the web want.

What really happens to us in writing that direction is shown a page?

• When you press Enter, your browser issues a request to the server hosting the page you want to visit saying, basically, "Give me the content of this direction."

• The server receives the request and returns the page in HTML (HyperText Markup Language, Hypertext Markup Language), which is the basic code that a browser understands and defines the look of the page to display.

• The client browser (your Firefox, your Internet Explorer ...) is that code, it interprets and displays on your screen.

Simple, right? This helps us to be reeling a bit more and see that all web communication involves two "agents" so to call: the client (your internet browser or, generalizing, you) and server (containing the web you want to visit). We will not get into how the browser knows what web server should be consulted for access according to what page it is not the purpose of this blog, but if anyone is interested I can tell you what is the procedure followed.

A simile "simple" to understand the philosophy that continues to this process is to either store. The client (you) comes looking a product that claims that the dependent (which would be the server). It looks for the goods that can give you and you give it. You, on your part, you examine it and give you deem appropriate use. Let

further complicate the example to better illustrate the process going. Suppose now that we visit a website with an Internet browser, such as the google page. The process to display the home page we have seen, but what happens when executing a search?

• After pressing the Search button (or press Enter) your browser you are sending a form via the Internet to a specific Internet address, which is already determined by the page you are visiting (eg google index contains a form that determines that, clicking search, you must send the form to another page dedicated to google search results.)

• The server receives the request for displaying a page with a set of parameters (determined by the form filling). Note that we are not having a page for each search can be made (that would be insane) but there is a page that:

• i. Get the search parameters you specified.

• ii. Performs custom search.

• iii. Genera a set of results.

• Now if recapitulate remember that the client browser only understands HTML and therefore, the server must return a page in that format. What to do with that dynamic set of results just obtained? The solution obviously is to generate both HTML and needed to return a browser page that the client can understand. Simplifying the issue, we might think we return a line of text for each result has been obtained, so the server page, once all the results obtained, "insert" as many lines as the results obtained and this result final will be returned to your browser.

Here's what a server-side language. Schematically, it would be:

How to distinguish a website that can generate dynamic results such as the example given of one who does not? The solution is to see the extent that the web has to call. For example, if we open the page see that we call the "index" page that has the extension "html" inside the server . On the contrary, if we open a page whose name is, for example (This address is invented, but it illustrates what we have said):

we can see that we are opening the page "search" extension "php "within the server and also a parameter we have passed under the name" term "and the value" program. "

extensions web pages are different depending on the content to be displayed (static, dynamic) and the type of server-side language to be used. Categorizing, these are some examples of extensions:

• Static content (the web always gives the same look and content every time we visited): extensions HTML, HTM ...

• Dynamic Content (the web is adapted to a number of parameters and both the appearance and content vary according to these parameters): PHP, PHP3, ASP, JSP, ...

There are many more extensions that we find as we sail and see different pages, not to mention a web browser can play different file types (videos, photos, pdf, office files, etc) and each has its extension. But faced with the programming of dynamic pages, the most noteworthy are listed (PHP, ASP (based on Microsoft technologies) and JSP (Java-based technologies)).

With this I believe it is clear which is a server-side language and what is its function. Although the diagram above is not reflected, usually the processing of information is accompanied by a query to a database. For those who do not know, a database can be understood as an organized and structured repository of information, such data can be registered users of your website, the comments received on it, the categorization of words for a search engine, etc. . Subsequent chapters will work with MySQL databases as they are the easiest found on free hosting sites.

Now back to the example of going to a shop. Suppose we buy a brand new DVD of what we know a number of features that should have. We came, we tell the salesperson what we seek and it offers several. We chose one and the seller delivers it to us with his instructions. We got the DVD, we got home, plugged it and find instructions for playing movies, change the language, format etc etc etc screen.

adapt the example to a web communication.

• Enter in the search box to find what we want, for example, an online calculator (equivalent to tell the seller the characteristics of our DVD).

• The server offers the results for our search (we reduce the catalog DVD models that conform to what is sought).

• Access to a page that contains a calculator that allows us to do arithmetic without having to be referring to other sites, everything is done the same page.

Graphically, if we take the diagram shown above:

(7) arithmetic with a calculator

(8) Net operating

If we look, we see that added in the client (your browser) a speech processor that is dedicated client to carry out operations in your browser, without having to carry out communications with an external server. That is, your web browser is capable of conducting operations and process data.

The question that arises is: when I schedule a web page, in what cases you have to use a client language and circumstances in which a server language? But the answer is simple:

• If you perform operations involving data refer only you possess, which are inherent to your website (eg your product catalog), you should use a server-side language, since the data consult your computer are not of the person who then refer your site, but on the server where you host your site and, by extension, your data.

• If the operations to perform are of the "display an alert if the ordering has not indicated how much to ask," activate the unit number field when you select the product ", etc etc, in that case is recommended to use the client language since they are operations that can be made on the page that the customer is viewing.

Eye, note that in the case of transactions with client language, only recommend its use, since virtually all operations of client language can be made through sending data to the server, but is more comfortable for the person who visits your page that does not have too much communication (remember that each time you visit a page, you have to wait while the request is sent from your browser, the server answers and your browser processes the result) and perform simple operations such as validity checks on a form can be done without sending the form to the server generally.

For example, this table can provide you with understanding some of the most common operations are usually done on one side or other communication (in some cases it is imperative that either the server side or client):

• Check that a field has a number (without letters), or that is in capital letters, etc (value checks a field in general).

• Issue a warning message.

• shipping confirmation request to the server.

• Activate a field to the value to take another field.

• Make a button "lights up" when you mouse over it.

• Display help messages.
• Serve a set (or subset if you do a search) of data on the topic of your site (eg forum messages, products of an area, etc etc).

• Save and / or manipulate information to send a user (interaction with database).

• Perform checks on data received in the parameters.

• Tell the client to a different page depending on what conditions.

There are many more operations can be performed, but above I think you can already have an accurate overview of where it is appropriate to perform some other operations. The most widely used language usually client Javascript (JS extension) but there are other options such as VisualBasic Script (normally used in conjunction with ASP pages to be both technologies Microsoft).

for today I think is right. In the next post will start working with PHP, to recommend some tools which are necessary or desirable to have installed on your computer and get to see the first PHP (which will be extremely easy but we will move). Greetings

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Covering Letters Car Sales

computer with enough experience in PHP. Recently, some colleagues who have asked me to create some kind of course that serves to learn PHP from scratch. The purpose of this blog will be, from a basic point (knowledge of HTML), make those who follow the blog entries will finally learn PHP in an acceptable enough level to be able to develop websites with a bit more complexity than usual (we can make custom forms and save data into a database server, making dynamic pages whose contents are driven by a database structure and not have to touch the page source every time we add an entry (as for example in the very design of a blog or a news website) etc.).

begin as soon as possible with the opening chapter, devoted to differentiate languages \u200b\u200bclient server languages. It is essential to understand that difference to what would later develop.

sometimes also use javascript html. According see participation in this blog may create another dedicated to the most common programs that are developed in Javascript and DHTML functionalities.

Of course, during the illusion to develop this blog, I promise to answer all the comments with questions as they arise.

I hope to bring the first chapter mentioned very soon. Greetings