Wednesday, May 18, 2011

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Iphone Tricks 4

En los últimos años, cada vez son más las personas que se gastan alrededor de un millón de pesos en un celular con funciones que, hasta hace poco, eran exclusivamente de computadores. Sin embargo, a pesar que los usan a diario, desconocen funciones o atajos que hacen parte de estos aparatos.
Aquí va un listado de 10 datos, proporcionados por Apple y el periódico The New York Times, útiles para los usuarios del Iphone 4 y 3 GS.

1. El IPod: cuando la pantalla se te bloquea, no tienes que digitar la clave para desbloquearla, sino que oprimes dos veces el botón de inicio y listo.

2. Copiar and save a picture from the Internet: you just hold down. This will show you the options to put in a roll or copy and then paste it into a message or mail.

3. Hide an app that has problems: you double click on the Start button (when the computer is unlocked), there appear the applications you have used in order, then keep your finger on one of these and display the minus sign ( -). Here and you can turn it off.

4. If you want to delete something you wrote: shake the phone and will have the option of speedy deletion.

5. To find the percentage of charge remaining: icon appears next to the battery, you enter "Setup", enter "General", then "Use" and turn on "Battery Charging."

6. If your phone is malfunctioning or freezes restarts pressing the Home and On / Off at the same time. Keep it well until the apple.

7. To make a screenshot: should hold the Start button and then omprimir the Off / On, and keep a picture of what you see on a roll of film.

8. Learn how many characters you type in a message: you enter "Setup", do the same in "Messages" and then turn on "Character Counts." The number appears when your message exceeds the two lines.

9. Create icons for website: you go into Safari and head to the desired site. Once you're there, you press the button in the middle of the bottom of the screen and select the option "Add to Home screen." This lets you access your favorite sites immediately.

10. Lock in portrait or landscape: press a couple of times the start button and then slide your finger to the right, you play the first icon and so will remain in one position.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

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We live what? on average 80 years? So while we go .. While we eat, reveals little, have a healthy life and yet we do not expect any illness that gives us the mother.

start to work, to have money, you get the things you want, eat what you like ... going out with friends ... and then ...? keep working .. Suddenly I have 60 years, you work a little and you still have another 20 years to see what the fuck do not die of boredom.

So if you have the money, spend it. If you want fun, fun. If you want to get out, get out and do not sit there waiting for something to happened, because when you least expect it, you're old man and thinking of all the things you lost and failed to do to go worrying about other things.

Above all, do not get mad ... there are things that make us pissed to the point of wanting to hurt someone .. but if you look at it from another point of view, perhaps that anger is not worth it. Is momentary. Why be angry and cursing if you can fix channeling that negativity into something else, doing something positive, forgiving, doing something good for someone else, talking.

Whoever loses gets angry. Visit